The Dead Billies Discography (BRA Psychobilly 1997)

Don't Mess With



There have been at least 3 bands that play under the moniker deadbillies. It is chaos out there but mostly you can distinguish between the two most known, cause these guys use a space between the words and the other band that supports sparky, they have no spacing btw the words and ends with a -y “deadbillys”. The third band never existed but for a demo.

But here, we came to talk about the lost in tyme brazilian band. They were great. We gotta love any band that has a “vampire” track, but no, they are beyond that. They are awesome. Their singer’s got this neurotic frontman vibe that is so familiar to us from say “wall of voodoo”. Creepy lyrics and themes, memorable guitar work, reverbed spooky vocals, complex-but-still-rocking and danceable song structures. They were a musician’s psychobilly band, and for us  at least, the “don’t mess with” record is still remembered at almost every party that needs a li’l bit of twang. So, ok, they don’t use the slapping double bass sound, they lack that, but to say the least they don’t sound the same as like the rest of these mediocre psychopunk bands that seem to appear out of everywhere these days. So get a few of your pals, prepare your swim suit, burn a tape, put it on the car radio, speed up to 100 kmph in an abandoned highway road in a hot summer day and dive in!
Mosckabilly (vocal)
Morotó Slim (guitarra)
Joe Tromondo (baixo)
Rex (bateria)



Don’t Mess With – 1996

Heartfelt Sessions – 1999






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